
Install SDK

The Plunder SDK for each support game engine, most recent version included, may be obtained in the Ferris Games Developer Console's Downloads tab.

Launch Plunder Engine GUI

1. Overview

Once the Plunder SDK is added to your project, you will need to add the following line of code to your AppDelegate in order to launch the Plunder GUI.

[PlunderEngine launchGUI];

You can also specify a different Landing Page that will be displayed when the player first launches your app. To do this, add the following line of code before launching the Plunder GUI.

PlunderEngineConfig *config = [[PlunderEngineConfig alloc] init]; config.LandingPage = @"YourLandingPage"; [PlunderEngine launchGUIWithConfig:config];

2. Implement the Plunder Proxy

The Plunder Proxy interface contains callbacks for key events that are essential for interacting with Plunder. These events are when a match is starting, when the user is exiting the Plunder GUI, and when trying to enter the Progression Room.

3. Initialize Plunder

To initialize Plunder, you will need to pass it an instance of the Plunder.Proxy. You can do this by adding the a line of code to your game's start screen (or anywhere else before you launch your game). Make sure you have configured your game properly before start up.

4. Launch Plunder

Plunder is typically launched from your game's start screen. Click the button on your start screen that launches Plunder to take over control of your interface.

5. Exit Plunder

The user has exited Plunder. You need to handle the callback to load an appropriate game screen. This typically will be the main menu/start screen.

Config Core Gameplay Loop


We explain Plunder's main gameplay loop below. Starting a match, reporting a score, and returning to Plunder. This post will give you a complete core loop to evaluate a regular Plunder match.

Launching Game

When the player initiates a match, Plunder will take over the user experience and alert the game. Control is then returned to your game so the match can commence.

Performing Gameplay

Enter Result

The enter result method expects parameters, including a score and Success and Failure Callbacks. The score submission should be processed in the background, without requiring any action from the player. To guarantee that both asynchronous and synchronous gameplay functions properly, the match score should be entered using enter result as soon as the match concludes, regardless of any remaining player input required to access the match results screen.

Ending Replay

Wager matches are typically recorded so that players can examine replays and Plunder can check fair play. The SDK includes a feature that allows you to halt the replay after successfully submitting scores and before moving on. This prevents unduly lengthy replays when players engage with other gaming features, such as Progression. If you do not manually terminate the replay, it will finish when the game returns to the Plunder user interface.

Incomplete Wagers

There are several ways to prematurely end a match. First, you can enable the user to exit the game and submit their existing score, giving them a chance to win with their current score. Second, you can eliminate them from a match, resulting in a loss.

Depending on the specifics of your games, you must determine which strategy is most effective. In some cases, it may be more advantageous to allow users to forfeit matches in order to protect their existing scores. In other cases, it may be more advantageous to eliminate players from matches in order to ensure that the strongest competitors remain in the running. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which strategy will work best for your particular game

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